Also: Senegaal.
Officially: République du Sénégal.
Seat of government: Dakaar.
Status: Democratic.
Structure: The president is elected directly. Parliament (Assemblée Nationale) is elected by party lists, determining results in geographical constituencies modified by proportional representation.
Governing party: Benno Bokk Yakaar (chiefly Alliance pour la RépubliqueYakaar).
Heads of government: Macky Sall, APR, president; Mohammed Dionne, prime minister.
Chief opposition party: Parti Démocratique Sénégalais.
Assessment: Though often (and mistakenly) considered a stable democracy, there had never been a transfer of power here; that changed with the 2000 election victory of
Abdulaay Wàdd of PDS, and the voluntary departure of long-serving president Abdu Juuf (1981-2000), who himself followed the long-serving Léopold Sédar Senghor (1960-80). Wàdd was re-elected in 2007, for a shorter term that was supposed to be his last, as he instituted term limits when first elected. Parliamentary elections in 2007 saw an overwhelming majority for the PDS coalition Sopi. As Wàdd’s term expired, he abandoned a pledge not to run again. He finished first in the first round of the 2012 presidential election, but was defeated in a runoff with Macky Sall of the BBY, backed by all remaining challengers. A parliamentary election later that year was dominated by BBY.
FH: 2-2, free. Econ: 6.09 (74), flawed democracy.
Updated: 2014 December 3.